Vu Jade

What is Vu Jade?


The distinct feeling that you have never been in a particular place or circumstance in the past.

The antonym of Deja Vu, pronounced as "voo zha-day".

Neil Armstrong: "When I took that first step ,nto the Moon, you know, right before you did, I had this intense feeling of Vu Jade."

Buzz Aldrin: "Wow. No shit?"

See deja vu, experience, phenomenology, time, temporal


Noticing something for the first time that has been there all along; the realization that you've been unaware of something you should have noticed a long time ago

1: "Hey, who installed the sattelite dish?"

2: "Bro, that thing was on the house when we moved in..."

1: "Really? Talk about vu jàdé!"

See dejavu, deja vu, notice, see


Opposite of ‘déjà vu’ meaning –“I get the feeling I haven’t seen anything like this before…”

Wow, I just had a Vu jàdé ..use I have never seen any shit like this before.

See surprise


A feeling of uncertainty



The hard truth


Glen experienced an overwhelming sense of vu jàdé when driving through traffic on a one way street.


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