What is Vuja De?
Derived from deja vu, the phenomenon where an event happens and you feel that it has happened before or that you dreamed/predicted/instinctually felt it would happen.
Vuja de is the direct opposite. It's when something or somewhere that should be familiar is suddenly very different.
"I totally got vuja de when I walked into the house and mother was actually cooking with an OVEN!"
The strange feeling that somehow, this has never happened before..
George Carlin: Just had that... I don't know it's weird. Just had that little feeling, you ever get that funny little feeling Vuja De? No, not
Deja Vu . This is Vuja De. This is the strange feeling that somehow, this has never happened before. And then it's gone..
This word is the reverse of Deja Vu and the opposite definition as well. The definition is to experience something that you have never even thought of before; not even in your wildest imagination.
I went on a mission trip and when I went into the ladies bathroom, there were men using the facility and there was no toilet paper, I was like, woah, what kinda Vuja De is this?