What is W?


Short for George W. Bush, the Prez

"W is as dumb as a tree stump"

See birdie


George W. Bush

Coke snorter, pot smoker, retard, and leader of the free world.

Holy shit, how did they re-elect W?


The only letter in the alphabet with more than one syllable. In fact, it has three syllables.

And to add insult to injury, some poophead decided to use it three times in a row to make an acronymthat people have to say all the time! (See WWW.)

...Tee, You, Vee, DOUBLE-YOU, Ecks, Why, Zee.


The single biggest idiot ever to become president of the United States. Proof that the system is beyond corrupt.

It would be nice if W was assassinated, but then the real evil would be in charge without his puppet to take the blame.


george W bush

bush, jr


W is also called "BJ"; his father, "BS."


used in online games by japanese people. stands for 'warau', which means smile/grin/giggle/chuckle. used in the same way as lol or :). also said if you have no idea what they are saying to be polite.

person 1:I just one hit killed him with crimson assassin

person 2: w


Facist fucking pigdog with shit for brains.

Some think W might be Hitler reincarnated, but Hitler wasn't a fundie.

See dubya, herbert, bush, prez, republican, texan, texas, beans, beef, christ, christian, stupid, retarded, moron, cretin, idiot, subintelligent, subhuman, warmonger, murderer, liar, pig, shithead, fucker, bastard, dog, shit for brains, tard, fool, rich, money, lucre, dough, mula, spinach, politician, baby kisser, assface, monkey, troglodyte


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