
What is W.a.f.?


Wicked Awesome Films

BFF1: OMG! have u seen the last W.A.F. episode?

BFF2: no, why?

BFF1: omg it was so funny! the best by far!

See funny, bobby, jenz, j, hilarity


WAF- (abbr) Wife Acceptance Factor

The Wife Acceptance Factor is the number between 1 and 10 applied to electronic devices that get brought home. This number relates to how understanding a spouse is about it's usage and, indeed, it's very presence.

Eg: "The W.A.F. on my new digital camera is at an 8.6"

Eg: "With my lighting controls not working, the W.A.F. on my my home automation system is at an all time low"

See wife, computers


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