
What is W2f?


way to fail

usually used after complete failure

Son: hey dad im gay

Dad: w2f

See fail, way, failure, wtf


Acronym used in chatting, texting, t-shirt captions and other terse forms of communication.

4 possible meanings:

a.) Want to F#ck

b.) Wet Wild (w2) and Fast

c.) Way too Far

d.) Way to Fail


a.) hi. =) w2f?

b.) imho, every woman should be w2f.

c.) screaming at your boss was taking it w2f.

d.) shattered ur elbow doing a pole dance? w2f.

See wtf, fuck, fast, far, fail


Short form of "way too far"

used when another person said something too offensive that is no longer funny

person a: why weren't u at the party last night?

person b: i was fucking ur mom and ur sister the same time !

person a: ... w2f not funny

See offensive, wtf, too far, call


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