
What is W.w.d.d.?


what would darwin do?


what would dogbert do?

See dilbert


What would Dumbledore do?

Wizard #1: Ah! An evil sorceror is attacking our village!

Wizard #2: Oh no! W.W.D.D.?

Wizard #1: WTF?

See harry potter, wizard, jesus, australia, wtf, voldemort, dumbledore


What Would Dexter Do

Dexter the Showtime series main protaganist, basically how would he kill his next victim...W.W.D.D.

See dexter, kill, what, would, showtime


What would Ditka do?

When faced with any of life's tough choices simply think to yourself W.W.D.D. What would Ditka do?

See question, controversy, questionable, ditka


What would The Dude do?

A guy is messing with your vehicle out in the parking lot and you're just not sure what to do. W.W.D.D. (What would The Dude do?):

a) to them to lie the fuck down

b) Jap Slap the living shit right outta of them

c) Pull out a .357 and threaten to blow their head clean off

See errr


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