
What is Zalera?


The Death Seraph, under the zodizc sign is Gemini, element alignment is death, it's abilites are Kill, Shock, and Holy.A male Esper in the shape of a terrifying demon. He wears a large cape that hides his body and that of a blindfolded unknown woman. the level of aquirement is 35+.

Limit break:Condemnation. As Zalera waits patiently, the woman he carries wakes up and screams for her life. Spirits arise and form a source of light, that changes into a dark sludge that falls on the enemy. This causes the formation of twisters surrounding the enemy.

The Death Seraph Zalera is found in the Barheim Passage, in Terminus No.7 .

See zalera, the, death, seraph, passage, terminus, 7


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