
What is Z-boy?


a game played by kids at Brookline High School in Brookline, Massachusetts. It involves throwing various to one another while yelling "Z-BOY". It is preferably played as a big game involving many kids however it is accepted to throw a z-boy at anytime anyplace. Z-Boy was invented by students hailing from South Brookline AKA SoBro. If a Z-Boy is dropped the perpetrator is vocally and , more rarely, physically abused by the other players.


"Yo, throw up that Z-Boy!!!"

"SIKE, I never drop a Z-Boy in my life"

See sobro, brookline


A Z-Boy is kind of like a D-boy (dope dealer) but instead of selling crack they sell fear in the hearts of service dept. everywere . there are only few true z-boys in this world and they are very elusive and tricky. one famous z-boy trick is the backdoor. they will leave work to go to another dealership but come back in a different car or the back way into the dealership to try and catch you horseing around in the shop. another tatic is the staredown that instills fear in service writers parts salesmen techs and porters everywere.

Man what time is z-boy leaving i want to go do a rail of heroin off of the table in the break room.

See boss, authority, stalker, dapper, dan


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