What is Zedda?
A zedda/zeddar/zedder/zed/Z3DD4 is a very complex species...
1. First of the way they type using CAPITALS, NUMB3R5, Using Underscores inbetween words, ending a sentance with the classic double dot x (..x) and using to "i's" together like "0MG_4iiM3_iiM_JUST_S00_C00L_H3H3H3H3..x" and which makes this illegible, zeddas are everywhere, beware children..
2. The e-dating, OMG, the e-dating isn't that digusting... If you don't know what e-dating is its dating people on the internet like CH4RLii_4ND_B3XXii_43VA..x
No, it's not going to be for 'forever' more like hmmm, a couple of days, until he/she E-DATES. Crisis, the zeddar will look for another of their kind using their call 'H3LP_H3LP_H3LP..x'
3. Where to find these 'zedda's' well, everywhere on the internet, bebo, facebook, myspace, habbo, anything social.. they'll be there I'm warning you... look out.
Amy: 0_3333MMM_G3333_Y0ULL_N3V3R_GU3SS_WH4T_ViiCKii_S4iiD_T0_BR3T..x
Oscar: 0_3333MMM_G3333_WH4T?!?!?..x
Amy: WiiLL_Y0U_3-M4RRY_M3_H0W_SW33T..x
Me: Wtf. What a bunch of
zedda nobs.