
What is Zhopa?


the russian term for ass

Did you see that girl's zhopa?

See Julie


Can also mean "bad". As in how are things? Bad!

Kak dela? Polnaja zhopa!

See popa, sraka, zadnica, Yasha


1. Russian for ass/butt. Specifically, an ugly, old or abnormally large ass.

2. Can also be used to refer to a person, but is similar to calling someone a "butt" or idiot in American English(not a particularly bad curse word, but is derogatory).

1. Looking at that woman's zhopa makes me want to pour gasoline on myself and light it.

2. The guy at the drive thru was a zhopa...he forgot my fries.

See popa, popka, ass, butt, idiot


buttocks, butt, bottom

"That kid got his zhopa whipped at Halo."

See zhopa, butt, bottom, @$$, but


In Marathi ( an dialect from Maharashtra state of India) the word "zhopa" means, 'sleep'

Ja zhopa means Go sleep.

See sleep, awake


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