
What is Zobali?


a small being of unknown origin used primarily as a tool for insertion into Weinberger's vagina; not to be mistaken for a black wizard, a starving honduran, or a twig; most zobali's weigh anywhere from 79 to 81 pounds and murk around in dark corners until feeding time, in which they prey on water and diet yogurt; zobalis are known to vomit their food after every meal; it is traditional for a zobali to bleed internally due to excessive regurgitation; the zobali's life span is usually around 18 years at the point in which it enters the Israeli army; zobalis are not to be trusted as they speak rumors about people in a foreign tongue; they should be kept in cages or vaginas and fed once a week

Zobali: from the latin root Zo, meaning "really fucking small" and Bali, meaning "vaginal plug"

I found Zobali in Weinberger's vagina. She's wet and spoiled. As a result, my penis is all shriveled and I can't get it up.


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