
What is Z.o.d.?


abbreviaviation for Zone of Discretion. A time and place when it is improper to discuss certain objects, events or people. As a verb it serves as a warning that whatever is being discussed is about to be heard by someone not meant to hear. The imperative is "Z.O.D!", and is used as a warning. When the Z.O.D. is invoked the discussion of that topic must end immediately.

Argy and K-hole are talking about a slut at school. As Argy gets ready to describe her terrible B.O., the slut approaches from behind Argy. K-Hole says "I think you should Z.O.D. that."

K-Hole is discussing his love of blowing up frat boys cars and scooters while walking down the street while passing a cop not seen by K-Hole. Argy says "Z.O.D. that for later."

See warning, discussion


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