Zombie Plan

What is Zombie Plan?


a plan prepared for when the zombies take over the earth.

In my zombie plan, im going to Alaska because zombies have no body heat. They'll freeze like corpsesicles!

See zombie, plan, z-day, zombie plan, corpse


The planned tactics and procedures one will take in preparation to and/or in the event of the zombie apocalypse.

(zombie gnawing on corpse)

Steve: I bet that guy wishes he'd devised and followed a zombie plan.

See zombie, plan


Also Known As "THE PLAN"

If A Zombie Apocalypse Happened, This Is Your Plan Of Action.

Everyone Has One


Grif: You Don't Have A Zombie Plan!!

Simmons: There's No Point!

Grif: Hey Watch, SARGE!

Sarge: Yeah

Simmons: Sarge, Do You Have A Zombie Plan

Sarge: No

Simmons: See

Sarge: I Have 7!

See red, vs, blue, zombie, plan, caboose, the, apocalypse


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