Zoo Zoo

What is Zoo Zoo?


Slang terminology used by street gangs meaning Uzi.

I'm going to go to the grocery store and get a zoo zoo

See gang, urban, guns, gat


a machine pistol usually refers to a mac11 or uzi.

we need to go pick up a couple zoo zoos for the hit tonight.

See uzi, gun, machine gun, mac


Prison term for candy bar

Give me a zoo zoo, I'll pay you back two of em.

See candy bar, honey buns, sweets, little debbies, pastry


Sound made by you when moving your hands out away from you and back in (towards the sky) while keeping your hands flat and and tilted upwards 45 degrees.

Theres only one thing to do at a time like this. ZOO ZOO!!!!

See sky, zoo, tilted, degrees, romanovia


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