
What is Zors?


suffix that can be written after the following word of the popular typo of 'the' that is 'teh'. Often used by people who like to make fun of those who think they are 1337 (leet, aka gay).

ors may be added to the end of a word that already ends in a z or an x.

People who say 'pwn' are teh lamezors.

"I'm a 1337 H4x0rs!!1!!11!1"

"You're also huge fagzors."


See 1337, lame, fags, teh, leet, noobs


suffix. means amazingly awsome or super tight. ends the word that wants to be amazing.

John: hey did you play that game last night?

Jake: YEA... it was totaly beastzors.

See cool, amazing, fun, tight, awsome


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