
What is Zug-zug?


A phrase used by the orcs in Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3. The phrase is used for yes yes.

Orc Soldier: Get to work!

Orc Peon: Zug-zug.


A phrase used by orcs in the warcraft series that means yes yes.

Peon: Work work work.



Cavespeak for "having sex", "Do you want to have sex," "sex," or any reference to sex. (From "Caveman", the Ringo Starr / Dennis Quaid 1981 prehistoric comedy.)

Cavespeak has no grammar or sentence structure (or written form). Therefore only uses of zug-zug are: "Zug-Zug?" "Zug-Zug." or "Zug-Zug!"


Caveman for "tata(s)".


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