
What is Zute?


1) Another name for a marijuana joint. When its conntents are purely cannabis (without any tobacco to pad it out)

Do ya want a zute?

Other variations exist with a higher proportion of slang used. Often the offer of, or attempted procurement of a 'zute' will be reduced to just "Zute?" between friends

See James


zute. marijuana which it grinded so it is thinner so it is easier to smoke.

orr half or that zute mate!

See zute, bud, marijuana, mary jane, ganja, joint, friend, chum, pal, reefer, green


Another slang word for a joint/spliff containing marijuana

"Wanna go smoke a Zute?"

See cannabis, marijuana, weed, joint, blunt


To be beyond retarded while intoxicated or high,

Pete: Mannnn last night we were soooo zuted,we were flying!

John: I know, i couldn't feel my feet!

See high, zute, zut, smoking, weed, drinking, retarded


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