
What is Yafi?


YAFI: You're All Fucking Idiots

Acronym to be used in instances where the SF Stupidity Factor limits have been exceeded by a group other than your own. It allows you to convey your opinion of the group in open air to your colleagues in a discreet manner.

Most effective when inserted nonchalantly into conversation with the group in question in such a manner as to not raise suspicion (neutral tone and nodding are recommended for a successful implementation). Maximum results are yielded when you are accompanied by one or more cohorts who have knowledge of the term.

Doug: OK, well that didn't work due to YAFI, so what is the next step?

Others: We have to get back to you on that.


Acronym for You Asked For It

Won't ya stop staring at my lunch? Okay, YAFI!!!

See take that, bohica


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