
What is Yagermeister?


Something drunk by people who can neither read nor spell.

Presumably tastes similar to the non-fictitious beverage Jägermeister, with which it shares its pronunciation.

Guy 1:"Dude, i just totally drank some yagermeister. WOOOOO!"

Hermann Goering, Reichsforst und Jägermeister:"Its spelled Jägermeister you culturally insensitive prick."

See nazi, liquor, jagermeister, awesome, beer


Strong alcolholic drink that knocks you on yer ass! Tastes a little like black licorice, and can be mixed with red bull to enhance your boozing pleasure.

"I spent last night with my buddy Yagermeister. Woke up in a FUCKING VAN!!! No idea where I was."

See yager, booze, brewski, wasted, van


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