
What is Yahhh?


Yahhh means get out of my face

YAHHH!!! get out of my face man!!!!

See shut up, stop, leave me alone, yahhh


When you want some1 to get outta yo face, just say YAHHHH bitch YAHHH. They will immidietly be like wtf? and get outta yo face

One of soulja boys songs.

Hey man wass crakin. YAHHHHHHHHHHH BITCH YAHHHHHHHHH get outta my face hoe

See yahh, bitch, soulja boy, hoe


When someone be talking and talking and you do not want to hear it, you just be like yahh trick yahhh. Except when they're talking about Collipark music. Then you have to say "yahdfbgrtypiweryirhgir!".

Guy 1: Hey, can I have your autograph. Please, please, please, please, please?

A certain unnamed rapper: Yahhhh!!!!

Guy 1:Pshhh....

See soulja boy, crank that, psh, kay, bye


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