
What is Yahoo?


applicable to anyone who is uncultured, ignorant, or stupid...of lower intelligence than yourself

Geez, Aaron, that guy was such a yahoo


Australian slang word meaning uncouth lout.

Frank: Throw a shrimp on the barbie you f***ing yahoo !!

Bob: WTF, we don't say shrimp in Australia...


said when excited or content/pleased

Yahoo! I did something I'm not sure I did!


Yahoo! is a website that provides free e-mail, and also has a search engine and chat rooms, along with an instant messenger service. It is correctly spelled with the exclamation point.

I find it humorous when people say that Yahoo!'s search engine is worse than Google's, because Yahoo! uses Google's search engine to get results. Thus, no matter which one you use, you'lll always come up with the same results.


An ignorant rural person

(Rude and Derogatory)

Some yahoo was sitting on the bench.


Yahoo is an uneducated person with a backwoods mentality.

Yahoo! shows its real stupid backwoods mind when somebody tries to get help at Yahoo! Help

See yahoo!, yahoo, stupid, idiot


exclamation for anticipating or experiencing AWESOME FUN! Often used in context of Cowboy westerns.

Yahoo! I love spaghetti!

See exclamation, yeeha, awesome, yipee, cowboy


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