
What is Yahweh?


A possible pronunciation of YHWH, the Hebrew word for the name of God.

See Jehovah, YHWH/YHVH

no example


According to Christians and Jews, the ruler of the universe. Probably from Sumerian ''î-âh'', "I create".

I am a Christian and I believe in Yahweh, I believe that he is the one true god, and I encourage you to, as well. But don't be offended.


In the Hebrew Bible, "Yahweh" is the personal name of The Creator.

The NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE uses the name "Yahweh" throughout the Old Testament.

See yah, yahwist, yahshua


English version of the Hebrew word YHWH, which translates into 'I am'. Jews refer to their God as Yahweh, is the same god that Christians and Muslims believe in.

see God/ Allah/ Jesus/YHWH

If you are writing the Torah, and misspell Yahweh, the Torah needs to be ceremoniously buried.


Yahweh is LOVE!

JOHN 3:8,

He who does not love,

does not know Yahweh,


See peace, love, happiness, marriage, remarried, divorcee


The name of God in hebrew.


-the themesong, similar to Yahoo, in Bruce Almighty

See Dave


Unbelievably awesome or righteous

that was yahweh

See god, jews, awesome, righteous, sweet


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