
What is Ya'll?


How idiots spell y'all.

Idiot: ya'll are crazy omfgn00bs

Non-idiot: Y'all are crazy!

See anonymous


Slang contraction for the 2nd person plural pronoun, utilized amongst the indigenous populations of the southern continental United States.

Origin: Often incorrectly attributed to the contraction of "you + all," the word actually originated from the fusing of "ya + all." The kind of fella who would say ya'll for the first time would not be enunciating a clean and crisp "you" in his daily speech. "You" wasn't in his spoken vocabulary, but "ya" was. Now, try to say "ya all." It is actually not easy to do as two separate words. To say it with a normal cadence, it already almost sounds like ya'll, but with the slightest stutter. "Ya all" quite naturally slips into the familiar pronoun we all use. Ya + all = ya'll. When you look at it that way, the placement of the apostrophe after the "a" makes sense. Alternately, you + all = y'all. However, the ya + all transition more naturally illustrates the origin of "ya'll." "You all" is cumbersome, although that is usually how yall is explained to uninitiated Yankees, whose experience with "ya" is often limited. "You all" just doesn't lead the the inevitable ya'll that "Ya all" does. However, y'all is an accepted alternate spelling.

Imperative: "Ya'll simmer down and go one at a time."


The correct spelling for the commonly misspelled word, y'all. The word originates in the south-eastern United States and is a contraction formed from the words 'ya' and 'all,' the 'ya' being the short-form of you. The apostrophe is placed after the a because in contractions, letters are removed from the second word, and thus, y'all is gramatically incorrect, leaving ya'll as the proper method of spelling the word.

Will ya'll quiet down for a moment please?

I'll see ya'll later.

See ya'll, y'all, slang


Being a New Orleanian born and raised, ya'll is the combination of you + all, with the 'you' being shortened to 'ya' and combined with 'all'.

'You' to 'ya':

Ya' heard me?

Variations include ya'll:


all ya'll

all ya'lls


all ya'lls'

See slang, southern, south, rap, local, new orleans


The wrong spelling of y'all.

Cash has a new tattoo with ya'll on it.

See ya'll, y'all, yawl, cash, stupid


The fastest-spreading regional, coloquialism in America. It can now be heard in every corner of the U.S.

Ya'll is really just a more efficient way of communicating in the second personal plural form.

See yall, slang, you, suck, how, are


not just for hicks, rednecks, wannabes and pimps like a previous definition states. It is the combination of "You" + "All". Common slang for residents of the southern states.

Are ya'll coming to dinner?

Ya'll aren't suppose to go in there.

See ya'll, you, all, yawl, yall


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