
What is Yanganese?


A derogatory term to describe merchandise produced in southeast asian countries. Usually uttered when describing a defective piece of merchandise. A cheap, poorly made item.

"Hey Russell, you seem to be having a hard time getting that decorative cover plate installed on that RAZR telephone."

"Yeah. I should never have bought this worthless piece of Yanganese shit!"

"Hey man, it's time for lunch...let go get Yanganese."

See asian, cheap, orient


A derogatory means of describing poor quality merchandise from the orient. Usually uttered while venting anger over the unwitting purchase of said goods.

Hey man, is that your new cell phone you bought off the internet?

Yeah, damn thing does not work!

Oh man, I thought it was brand new?

That's what I get for buying this fucking yanganese shit!!!

See cheap shit, crap, garbage


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