What is Yanz?
AKA 'dA bLaCkNess' or 'Yanster', originaly from melbourne, Victoria, he never moved and still lives there. Born on the 21st of June, his birthday iz the same date every year. After barely passing yr 9 in 2002, he then barely passed yr 10 2003. He iz currently a proud member of I.Y.A and iz a life member. He iz generally considered a sex goddess along wit his fellow members of I.Y.A.
I.Y.A 4 lIfE
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Main Entry: pon·def·e·cate
Pronunciation: pän-'de-fi-"kAt
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
When someone pisses in your mouth to induce pleasure. Usually for people with piss fetishes.
Guy 1: So dude i was nailing this chick la..