Yard Gnome

What is Yard Gnome?


An undersized boy who is characterized by his penishead-shaped haircut, his prepubescent voice that he uses to surreptitiously shout random obscenities, and his attraction to people of the same sex.

Yard gnomes can be found in gay bars, chemistry classrooms, homoerotic sodomyfests, classmates' front lawns, and at the receiving ends of insult wars.

1) In the middle of class today, Yard Gnome shouted "Holy piss!" for no reason, and no one even heard it!

2) Hey yard gnome, do you like jewelry stores? No? What if I told you that they sold pearl necklaces?

See yardgnome, faggot, michael jackson, holy piss


A member of the Fire Department whose only apparent job is to stand in the front yard of the scene with arms crossed, otherwise not doing a damn thing.

I had to drag the hose around the Yard Gnome on my way into the house fire.

See yard, gnome, fire, useless


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