
What is Yasmeen?


Beautiful beyond imagination, a soul and heart of and angel,she has the grace of a swan, she would give you hope when there was once none, she will be a friend when no 1 else will, she could make you feel like the most loved person on earth, truly a gift from god, to know her is a privilege that should be granted to every one, because of her spirit she is a magnet for lost souls.

She would make you smile on your darkest day. Only god could have created some one as amazing as her

like a rainbow after the rain


One who looks like a troll. One with "Head and Shoulders" worthy hair. May reside on the eastern coast of The United States. A "Troll Looking Bitch" or "Yasmeen the Unclean," as they call them. Yasmeens usually smell of maple syrup, due to the fact that maple syrup is irresistible to the male. Because of this proven fact, Yasmeens insert French toast sticks and maple syrup into their vaginas, therefore, obtaining the love of any male who falls into their trap. (No pun intended). Yasmeens may also smell of decaying fish carcass because they never clean their French toast infested vaginas.

“I just saw a Yasmeen by the bridge over there. She smelled like "Breakfast-For-Lunch." That troll lookin' bitch was eyeing me down.”

See terrorist, gaza, ugly, repulsive, troll


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