Yeah Guy

What is Yeah Guy?


The unofficial name for males between the ages of 15-30 who lift the suspension of thier trucks to retarded proportions, drive fast, cut people off because they can, speed up through puddles and speed bumps after which they usually yell, "YEAHHHH!". They are unusual in the way because they have many douchebag qualities but have more testosterone than any one person should possess, thus making them harder to classify. Also known as Assholes, they love to look for fights over everything and anything, including a slight look in thier direction, thier girlfriend or even thier trucks. Usually easily spotted from a distance because of the stickers on thier trucks or thier clothes, which consists of everything from Metal Mulisha to Famous Stars and Straps to No Fear and many other companies. These creatures originated in Southern California in Orange and Ventura Counties, but have since spread throughout the rest of the Western United States and as far inland as Texas. They should be approached with caution and possibly avoided at all times.

"Look at all those stupid trucks. Its like a yeah guy convention."

See douchebag, bro, bra, asshole, fuck tard


that guy at the party who is ALWAYS THERE, you dont really notice him during the party, noone really knows him, but when you look pictures the morning after, he will be there, in the background, smiling with a beer, most likely giving the thumbs up sign.

"dude whos that guy behind you with the thumbs up in this picture?"

"I dont know man, I thought he came with you!"


See beer, yeah, guy, party, drunk


See definition 6 of prolly and mums.

"Am I good at basketball?"

"Yeah guy." (No)


The guy who always does things that people sarcastically praise with a "YEEAHHHHH!" The guy will often say "YEAH!" himself too. The yeah guy exhibits barbaric characteristics, all of which might coincide with the common definition of a douchebag. The guy does things, such as smash a car window for no apparent reason or douse himself in beer, again, for no apparent reason, purely for the sake of being a chode. When people respond sarcastically with "YEAHHHH," it is an attempt to allude to the ridiculousness and irrationality of the yeah guy's said action.

Ed: Yo Marcus, I just fuckin' punched dat guy in da FUCKIN face in front of his girl.

Marcus: ....YYEAAHHH! THATS A REASONABLE THING TO DO! You're not clearly a yeah guy!

(unaware of the sarcasm, Ed responds)


See yeah, guy, chode, asshole, douchebag


a univeral catch all phrase implying anything from "hey friend" to "yeah right dick-smoker".

1)Phone rings: answer; "yeah guy, whadda up?" (friendly version)

2)Drunk mother fucker rolls up on your back in the beer line and starts talkin about yer lame pole-smoker bullshit: answer; "yeah guy".(step off before somebody loses a beak version)

See dickhead, smoker, chodelicker, der, no doy, false


a univeral catch all phrase implying anything from "hey friend" to "yeah right dick-smoker".

Phone rings: answer; "yeah guy, whadda up?" (friendly version) Drunk mother fucker rolls up on your back in the beer line and starts talkin about yer lame pole-smoker bullshit: answer; "yeah guy".(step off before somebody loses a beak version)

See dickhead, smoker, chodelicker, der, no doy, false


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