What is Yelp Talk Whore?
Someone who can usually be found chatting away on Yelp Talk incessantly, contributing their 2 cents worth to all sorts of chat threads about things so vapid as asking others how much lint they picked out of their navel that morning in the shower... all in the name of trying to be the center of everyone's attention.
Jean The Bean is a Yelp Talk Whore. Day in and day out, she can be found on Yelp Talk or PMing her Yelp friends, unless, of course there's a Friday evening DYL (Destroy Your Liver), a Sunday DYK hike (Destroy Your Knees) or a Yelp Elite event happening somewhere.
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word use to describe something being really cool and sick
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Something or someone which carries the connotation of owning to characteristics of quality.
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