
What is Yelptard?


An individual who contributes so many reviews to Yelp that it is nearly impossible that the person ever left the computer in the first place, let alone try the place that is reviewed.

Billy just wrapped up his 700th reveiw on Yelp. Its the 60th sushi place he has reviewed, fucking yelptard.

See yelp, yelptard, computer nerd


Noun: An individual who contributes so many reviews to Yelp that it is nearly impossible that the person ever left the computer in the first place, let alone try the place that is reviewed.

Billy just wrapped up his 700th reveiw on Yelp. Its the 60th sushi place he has reviewed, fucking yelptard.

Source: nuclearadam, San Francisco

See yelp, yelpers, yelptard, critic, wiseass, retard


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