
What is Yentl?


Extremely gullible person, one who will believe absolutely anything.

He's such a yentl you can tell him the earth is flat & he'll believe you!

See yentil, mug, gullible, naive


A crappy movie. Specifically one cowritten, produced, directed, and starring Barbara Streisand. She pretends to be a man and falls in love with a guy. The mans fiancee falls in love with Barbara.

Wow, I am glad we walked out of the theater. That movie was such a yentl.

See barbara, streisand, movie, bad


A way to say shot gun. As in calling the front seat when you are riding with a friend.

Ok, time to go. I call yentl!

See car, shout, friend, shot gun, yental


a flippant nickname for the New Turkish Lira. Suggested by the abbreviation YTL (Yeni Türk Lirasý).

How many yentls is that?

See yentil, money, currency, lira


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