
What is Yiddish?


1.) Totally awesome language that is a combination of german and hebrew. Has contributed words such as: "bagel," "nudnik," "mishmash" "schmuck" to our everyday vocabulary.

2) the perfect language to insult people, paticuarly goyem.

"Oy Vey (woe is me) my boychick (darling son)is all ferblungit (mixed up) he acts like such a nebbish (loser)and shlemiel (weakling) he lost all his money to that gonif (theif) of a stockbroker. Oh woe is me!

See Lydia


A Jewishlanguage based on Germanonce spoken throughout Central and Eastern Europeby Ashkenazic Jews. The name comes from a combination of the German words, "Jud" (Jew) and "Deutsch" (German). Sometimes referred to as a dialect of German, and sometimes denigrated as the " Ebonicsof the Austro-Hungarian Empire", Yiddish does have its own unique qualities which differentiate it from standard German. Unfortunately, most Yiddish speakers were killed in the Holocaust, and emigration of the Jews of Central Europe and Eastern Europe resulted in the near-disappearance of the language. Today it can only be heard in isolated pockets in certain big cities worldwide. It is probably the most endangered European language right now. However, Yiddish words have heavily influenced American English,especially that of New York, and to a lesser extent have made it into Cockney. The use of Yiddish words like schmuck, putz, shyster, etc. by comedians, in particular, has spread Yiddishisms throughout the Anglosphere. Even though the Yiddish language is in a severe and probably irreversible state of decline, certain Yiddish words will always be with us, kein ahora.

Oy vey, nobody speaks Yiddish anymore. Nu?

See oi, oy, oy vey, schmuck, schmeckel, putz, fegeleh, gonif, new york city, nyc, manhattan, brooklyn, frummer, ebonics, london, borscht belt, long island


a language spoken by some Jewish people, which is related to German

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Thank you very much = A sheynem dank


A language derived from High German dialects with additional vocabulary drawn from Hebrew and from Slavic languages, written in Hebrew characters and spoken chiefly as a vernacular in eastern European Jewish communities and by emigrants from these communities throughout the world.

Yiddish is a cool language.

See jews, judaism, language


A Germanic language invented by Jews in Germany. After being blamed for the black death, the Jews were forced out of Germany, spreading through Eastern Europe and taking their middle-high period German language with them and mixing in a few Hebrew words, such as:

Ganif (thief) from Hebrew (Ganav)

Shikker (drunk) from Hebrew (Shikur)

Mishpoyche (family) from Hebrew (Mishpacha)


The language is written, curiously enough, using the Hebrew alphabet. As it once almost completely resembled German, the language evolved in Germany while the Jews were somewhere else, and therefore the language is still basically middle-high German.

Yiddish was the mother tongue of millions people before the Holocaust

Yiddish: "Kaynen di forshtaysen Yiddish?"

English: "can you understand Yiddish?"

German: "Koennen Sie Deutsche Sprechen?"

See jewish, schmuck


I find it hilarious that person number two is going on and on about how much Yiddish he knows, and then calls himself a goyem. Goyem is the plural form. I would call him an idiot, but fact remains that he isn't an idiot--Just a goy :P

My Spanish is so goood. Yo nadar a el playa, y mis gustan las lirbos!


ok some people are a little confused, so im gunna try to set the record as strait as i can.

one, the word is goy, goyem is plural, and it does not mean gentile it means non-jew. Also Uncle is wrong, the laungeg was not invented by the khazars (present day khazakstan) it is though a mixture of Middle German and Hebrew. It is also not used by any broad group of people but some people sill do speak it. It is also quite fun for insalting people. Also it is not common with the torah at all! infact it never shows up in the torah seeing as there were no jews in germany yet so how could the laungegs be commbied? yeah so if im wrong o well but i am allmost positive this is all true info.

please excuse my spelling

im no goy, and yiddish is fun to swear at people in, partly because they will just be damn connfused and it sounds cool


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