
What is Yim?


A Program, "Yahoo Instant Messenger" Used by many people, refered to as "Yim"

You're now Logged into Yim!

See Brian


Yahoo Instant Messenger.

A fairly decent IM, good uptime. Overall- better than AIM.

asshat- "Hey wotz ur yim//? wanna cyber?/ lololloz1!!2"

See Freak Obscene


An abbreviated form of the words "yeah man!" Quite useful when in a stoned frame of mind, makes it easy not to think too hard...

"Man, you stoned??"



a womaniser from irc

yim from irc


One who is extremely ugly.

You have AIDS of the face?

Yeah, I am Yim



a branch off of yich

Melvin is a yim


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