Ying Yang

What is Ying Yang?


Chineseworld view also rested heavily on yinyang principles. Yinyang was a philosophical view in Chinesesociety of a unity of opposites, each representing the greater and lesser of similar concepts, which one found in the universe. An example would be the yinyang representation of husband and wife. Yang are the dominant principles of maleness, the sun, creation, heat, light, Heaven, dominance, and so on. Under yin are the submissive principles of femaleness, the moon, completion, cold, darkness, material forms, submission and etc… This unity of one greater principle over a lesser one moves in cyclical path so that no single one is all dominant. These yinyang principles were part of a larger philosophical view of a cosmos (our universe) that was “self-contained, self-operating, spontaneously generating and perpetually in motion.” The Chineseviewed everything in this cosmos as a series of interrelating objects and forces that worked and “resonated” with one another, creating harmony and order. This proceeded off of the Taoist principles of a natural and unified cosmetic pattern.

Ying Yang Examples:








See ying, yang, cosmos, chinese


How ignorant retards spell Yin Yang.

lol guize check out daht kool cymbol it sa ying yang LOOOOL!!

See ying, yang, chinese, symbol, yin


The wrong way of spelling Yin Yang.

'OMG Ying Yang Twins!!"

See yin, yang, asian


a plethora of the given item

Halloween has spooks out the ying yang.


A Tattoo that a Douchewould put on his body

John Ducheburger got a Ying Yang tattooed on his arm

See tattoo, douchebag, douche bag


The wrong way to spell yin-yang.

It's spelt yin-yang, not ying yang!

See yin, yang, not, ying, chinese


Talking trash with the goal of gaining favor; making improbable statements. Silly rapping to a woman. Telling white lies; bragging, boasting.

That brother talked so much "ying yang" he wore me out.

I can't believe all the ying yang that came out of her mouth.

See yang, ying-yang


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