
What is Yinzer?


A resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Known for their love of all things Steelers and Donnie Iris and extreme hatred of Cleveland. Consists mainly on Primanti Brothers and ethnic cuisine. Yinzers can be easily identified by their one-of-a-kind, ridiculous accent.

Did you see those yinzer fighting the Brown's mascot at last week's game?


Someone from Pittsburgh PA

"Any yinzer fron da burgh knows what dat means."

See yinzer, pittsburghese, pittsburgh, pa


A derogatory name of someone from western Pennsylvania that speaks a dialect that is often referred to as "Pittsburghese"

Locals who speak the Pittsburgh dialect are often referred to as "yinzers"

See yinzer, pittsburghese, pennsylvania, pittsburgh


White trash from Western Pennsylvania, and sometimes even extending into the "inbred" areas of West Virginia.

Extremely dumb, toothless losers that can be found in large masses watching Steeler games. Known to be very filthy and not familiar with simple hygienic practices such as showering and brushing their teeth. Their most prized possessions are their terrible towels, which they would permanently trade in a moment's notice for running water and soap.

"Did you have a good time at the bar last night?"

"Fuck no, the place was crawling with dumb Yinzers wearing meatball-stained Steelers' shirts. I had to leave because of the horrible stench."

See steeler, pittsburgh, steel, degenerate, loser


Female, native of Pittsburgh, wearing too much hairspray/gel and makeup, with a very limited vocabulary and usually driving a Camaro, Firebird or Trans-Am, loves 80s music; very often like a moped---fun to ride, but you wouldn't want your friends to see.

Last night I went to the South Side and ended up bangin' this yinzer in the back of her Trans-Am.


an extremely stupid Pittsburgh native.

Yinzers are incapable of ever criticizing anything Pittsburgh-related, even when such criticism is appropriate.

that guy only drinks Rolling Rock and Iron City. what a Yinzer.

See pittsburgh, dumb, pennsylvania, moron, sheltered


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