
What is Yip?


another word for yay-yo, snow, blow,crack(as my friend calls me every day(See crackhead))cocomocaine!sniffsniff while you suckkers takke a whiff whiff of my seeedless weed!haha



A word that originated as a description of an animals sound, most often linked to the sounds foxes and small dogs make. Used as a word, it can be an exclamation of excitement or to get ones attention. Some times it is also used as an affirmative substituting the word yes. The word is popular in the ' furry' community as well.

Cassandra yipped to get her mate's attention

See yelp, furry, fox, vixen, fur


When you suddenly and unexpectedly lose the ability to perform a simple, everyday task, and then follow by messing up the attempt completely.

For example, one could be holding a cup of coffee and instead of raising it as intended to your mouth, you fling it across the room.

"Man, did you see that? I yipped a treat just there!"


To bitch.

Don't yip, you asked for it!

See yippin, bitch, bitchin, yipped, bitching


Word used to mean yes, or yeah.


Person 1: Hey, its sunny today!

Person 2: Yip!


A large amount of money

Damn bro, that nigga got yip!!!

See money, doe, loot, cash, cheese, cabbage, green, yip


- The raising sun of the new generation

- A person that clearly stands out from the rest of the group/crowd cause of his uniqueness

- usually seen as a 'pimp'

He's a yip for sure! look at all the people thats paying so much attention to him

See pimp, star, yip, unique


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