What is Yo Momma Go To Cowwage?


The key root is "yo momma".

A commonly used term is "Yo Momma Goes to College!"

Except when you ghettofy it, it becomes "Yo Momma Go to Cowwage" showing emphasis on cowwage and how incorrect it sounds.

Pronounced: Yo Momma (Maw-muh) Go To Cowwage (Caw-Wedge)

Sam: Yeah I just got accepted to Pepperdine in Malibu, I'm psyched!!

Bill: You go to college?? Hah!

Sam: Uhh, yeah I go to college....


Bill: LOL!

Sam: Uh.....ok.....?

See yo momma, yo, mom, sex, lesbian sex, whores, slut, punani


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