
What is Yob?


The antithesis of what a good boy should be - rude, obnoxious, violent and stupid. Formed by spelling 'boy' bacwards, it was coined in England in the 18th century as it was very popular amongst upperclasses to speak backwards at the time.

Have you seen that boy? He's a yob

See guido


A thugish young male.

Sid Vicious was a yob...but, you know, people change...they get older, wiser...they mature...Sid's no longer a yob; he's dead.


hooligan, ruffian

Everybody hates him for his past job. He was a real yob !

See hooligan, ruffian, swindler, scoundrel, villain


A yob is a job that is tedious and/or pays a very low wage. Refers to the working conditions (and the way Mexicans would pronounce j-o-b in Spanish) of Mexican Americans.

Dick: What're we doing waiting in line here for?

Miguel: We'ere waiting fore a yob.

Dick: A yob?

Migeul: A yob!

See yob, job, tedious, minimum wage, wage, pay, payday, illegals, mexican, illegal immigrant


English surf speak meaning jerk or asshole.

Eh, bro that was a real yob think to say.

That guy over there is a real yob.

See jerk, asshole, dilbert, bastard, whiner


to steal, take, or borrow

Let me yob that hamburger.

See steal, borrow, take, cop, janx


see townie

they usually walk around in mobs of 5+ causing havoc or annoyance to those in the vicinity .

*walks through a crowd of yobs*

"hey wheres my clothes???"


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