What is Yoderism Of The Penis?


Yoderism of the penis is a Disease similar to genital warts. It is a viral infection that causes green blisters that overlie ulcers on the skin or mucosa. if untreated the disease can take hold and cause your penis to shrivel and turn green giving it a yoda like appearance. there is only one know treatment which involves injecting your self with a hypodermic needle in the japs eye (eye of the snake) or directly in the anus this treatment is risky and involves 100% commitment and must be done on the hour every hour for a minimum time frame of 35 yrs. known cases there has been more then 100 known cases across the Brisbane area within the 1yr police are trying to identify the know source of this disease but it has been sourced down between the Paddigton and gap area or though it has also accured in such us states a Pennsylvania. not to much is known about this serious disease but the scientist are currently studying the affects of these diseases and possible cures.

"what the crap factory dude your bellend looks like that little green guy out of star wars" "yeah i gots the Yoderism of the penis"

See yoda, star wars, cure


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