What is Yogging?
to run very slowly for extended periods of time.
Brian Fantana: So the team pancake breakfast is tomorrow morning at nine, instead of eight.
Ron Burgundy: Oop... I almost forgot. I won't be able to make it fellas. Veronica and I trying this new fad called uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or yogging. it might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild.
Exercise where you run down the field at a 4 to 5 step size in time with a
Tim: Okay guys! We're going to go yogging down the field, stop, do 8 pushups, get up, run back down, and do 16 scissors and run back.
Band Nerds: WOO YEAH!
Rookies: aww man!