
What is Yon?


A lie, or falsehood. From bullshit ==> bullion ==> yon.

Quit saying you will pay me back. That is a load of yon.

See bullshit, lie, crap, jamf


A slang substitute for the words 'he' and 'she', mainly used in Celtic regions such as parts of Ireland and Scotland.

Did you see that?! Yon has no shame whatsoever!

I'm trying to forget about it and yon still goes off holding a crudge.

See yon, him, her, substitute, he, she, ireland, scotland, celtic, culchie, rural


1. Anything and everything refering to anything

2. A famous comedian in the band "tripod"

why dont you go yon it you yonhead

what a yonface

i needa take a yon

get up that yon and just goren it

oh what a yonsen.

See yon, tripod, goren, sex


A person, place or thing whose defintion can be warped to become a yon.

Evan-->Evian-->ev-yon--> Ennce and yen yon.

Ryan--> Ryon --> Yon

Collateral--> Collateralyon?---> Yence

Mike--> Mikeyon--> Mikyin-->M eence

Josh--> Jish--> Jishyin--> Jince

John--> Johnyon--> Jinyince--> yoonjinonyinhan

Ballin--> So When I bleep yon beelps yon, Lou Vuitton belt---> where I'm keepin all my yons at.

Yon--> Yin->Yoon--> Yince-->Hoon--> Hince-->hence--> hoonce-->hanyin--> eence--.eeyenceinhan--> hooninyoninhineoonce --> Yon?


See yon, yin, evian


Academically acceptable slang for "vagina", derived from the term "yonic", meaning of or pertaining to the vagina.

Girl: I hate you.

Guy #1: You're a bitch.

Guy#2: OOOOoooOOOooo Stick THAT in your yon.

See vag, vajayjay, vagina, yonic, symbol, yon


way better than awesome

» G force` is so yon!

See awesome, amazing, excellent, fantastic, ron


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