You Got Me

What is You Got Me?


One of the greatest songs in the world by real hip-hoppers The Roots]. From the awesome album, Things Fall Apart. It features Erykah Badu] (chorus) and rapper Eve] (verse 2).

Chorus: "If you worried bout where I been or who I saw or, what club I went to with my homies, baby don't worry you know that you got me."

First line to Verse 1: "Somebody told me that this planet was small, we use to live in the same building on the same floor, and never met before."

See awesome


a sarcastic response to a lame joke made at the speakers expense

Casper: Hey Jake, you know that cheeseburger you just ate. You thought it didn't have mayo, but I put it on there and you totally didn't know.

Jake: (Rolling his eyes) You got me.

See screw you, blow me, get a life, bite


You have me with you no matter what forever.

Dont have to worry about anything, you got me.

See love, forever, life, i love you, bad


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