What is You Never Go Back;[/m]?

Hidden dark mysteries of ultimate sex / sensuality.

"C'mon over hea baby, lemmegive my sugar mamasome BLACK MAGIC."

"Ohhh, yeeeeeeaaahhh."

See big jim, johnson, wilt chamberlain, shaq, kobe


Term used by the late great Rick James referring to Charlie Murphy's "Darkness" (pre-Wesley Snipes era). Someone who has this trait is of an unexplainably dark complexion. David Ortiz on steroids is also an acceptable example of "Black Magic".

"Darkness, you evil mothafucka, you as cold as ice, black magic..... Fuck yo couch nigga!"


a black skateboarder who speaks good spanish and hangs mostly with spanish people and smokes alot of weed

"Damn who's that black high ass skateboarder hanging with those spics"..."Oh thats just black magic he kool!"

See black, magic, marijuana, skateboarder, spics


Mixture of Cocaine and LSD

I did some Black Magic the other night it was fucking INSANE

See cocaine, lsd, acid, drugs, black magic


Black Magic is a brand of griptape. It's really strong as really durable, which is why many consider is the best of it's kind. The griptape is only comes in the color black, and it retails for about $6 USD.

Skater 1: Damn, my griptape is peeling off again...

Skater 2: Ha, I haven't had to replace mine yet!

Skater 1: ...You must not skate very often...

Skater 2: No, I have Black Magic on it!

See skateboard, jessup, filler


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