You Think

What is You Think?


youthink, commonly on the site referred to as "YT". new members are often bashed or flamedif they use improper usage of the American language. Though, YT is VERY opinionated, it is a place to voice opinions. Common flamed topics include,




pointless shit about holidays


attention whores

under age-ers(under 13)

Emos are often dubbed as attention whores, or suicidal.

so_emo: Wahhhh!1!!1 hai teh ppl of you think im soooo depresed i wan 2 kill miself wit mi razarz cuz lif sux nd no1 undarstands me

fudgsickle:Too fucking bad. Learn to type and someone might care. Or not.:-P

Go sit in a corner and cry you suicidal attention whore

See whore, bitches, newbs, fags, tards, besties


The most ridiculously hipocritical and fascist website ever. Youthink primes itself on allowing its users freedom of speech and expression, unfortunatly all of its memebers are tools and anyone who says anything even slightly rebbellious or out of the ordinary is instantly flamed.

Some paticulary sad users include, 'Raddicks', the appropriatly named 'Bastard' and by far the most spanner like of the tools 'Ad astra'.

Ad astra:Dude I like totally love that new song by Blink 182! It's totally Punk roXXor.

Raddicks:Yeh man, they're the new gen of punk dude! They pwne big time!

Sane user:Actually, Blink 182 are about as punk as my pet fish, listen to some real punk guys.

Ad astra:Dude your a F4g fuck off.

Raddicks:Yeh D00d, or ill h4xx yer ass with my totally 133t uber p0w3rs!


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