You Would

What is You Would?


an extremely anoying phrase meaning "that is very typical of you". commonly seen following the equally agitating expression "but really".it is a well-known fact that you cannot win a logical battle with the "you WOULD" person. the only known comeback to "you WOULD" is "i DID", but does not sufficiently bring down the person. you must emphasize "WOULD" or it loses meaning and sense completely.

person- "omg i totally forgot we had a huge test today!"

idiot- "you WOULD forget we had a huge test today."

person- "i DID forget."

idiot- "but really."

See typical, idiot, would


A phrase used by fucking morons in response to nearly everything. It usually makes no sense in the way it is used, but since the speaker is a fucking idiot, they don't know or care.

A: No, I can't go, I have to work today.

B: You would.


when someone does something fitting of their character

"I got drunk with some old lady last night"

"You would get drunk with some old lady last night"

See P-City


Means that you would participate in sexual endevours with an aforementioned person. Is a way of saying "she's ugly/boring/stupid/annoying, but if the chance came, we'd still have sex". It's definitive border between whether someone is deemed attractive or not.

Antonym- You wouldn't.

A: "Cor, have you seen the arse on her?"

B: "Man, you would."


A: "Urg. Seen the spots on her?"

B: "Yeah, but you still would"

A: "True."


A phrase used when patronizing someone of higher respect.

Your store manager says, "I can get the system for you."

You reply with, "You would do that," or "You would go get the system."

See great, system, dana, gamestop, kyle


A counter to a "(insert insult here) says what?".

Asshole: Dumbass says what?

Some Guy: You would.

Asshole: What? Dammit...


You would may be said when a bloke finds a young lady sexually attractive.

Oooh I think you would.

See TP


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