
What is Youchewpoopcritic?


YouChewPoopCritic is a YouTube account (now closed) in which a group of editors pretended to be a ten year old named, “Matt Williams” who acted like a toddler and spammed/trolled on YouTube poops and YouTube poop discussions. Matt wrote and acted exceedingly immature, trying to convince others that he was WalrusGuy’s alternative account, best friends with Nintendo’s Super Mario character, and the inventor of YouTube poop videos. Matt Williams had a brother (also fictional) named, “Todd Williams” who served as a poor guardian due to a deceased father and alcoholic mother.

After five months of irritating YouTubers, the editors of the YouChewPoopCritic came clean confirming the account was a hoax and portraying the message of not being hateful on YouTube.

Usually, YouChewPoopCritic would spam/troll YouTube poops with messages such as this …

“thiss yootoob poop was REELY bad!!!1 i shood knowe, becas im reely walrusguys alternative acound!!!!1 im alsoo the enventor of yootoob poop vidoes! im serous, yoll belev me wen yoo wach mie fantabulous vidoes!!!1 i evenn hav a fancklub chanel caled ‘YCPCriticFanClub’ !!!!!!1

plees wach mie vidoes and leev a communt but plees be NISE becas meen coments hurt mie feelings!!!!!!!1

bie the way, I AM NOT YTpoopsucks or YCPCriticAlt!!!!!1”

(Written by YouChewPoopCritic)

See youchewpoopcritic, matt, todd, williams, troll, trolling, spam, editors, youtube, poop, walrusguy, fake, hoax


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