
What is Young?


Urban slang that is short for young'n, which is short for young one. An integral part of DC slang.

"Git off me young before I steal yo ass."

See Juan


describes an article of clothing that is too small.

Shit, i must have gained 10 pounds, these pants are hella young!


used to describe the appearence of clothing that it too tight for someone.

Often goes over peoples head when used in a sentance.

an item of clothing that is too small

My man that shirts is looking a little young on you...

See stupid, bad taste, fashion, dis, insult, rude


describes a person that you are friendly with (i.e a dawg, homie, friend etc.)

Sup young? Aint nutin dawg!


YOUNG: Something Too small particularly talking about clothing

look at dude over there with that young ass sweater on

See tight, extra smedium


(can also be spelled "yung" for added effect.)

1. (adj.) a word to put in front of any noun. this gives the original word more definition. putting "young" in front of a noun makes it 10x better. usually put in front of a work to describe how badass something is

1. Yea d00dz, lets go to the mall and get us some young v.

2. Lets go smoke that young cig.

See cool, tight, tite, awesome, rad


a measure of age, young being someone or something that has not been on this world very long

"i'm still young, i've got my whole life ahead of me" said timmy

See old, medium, cool, happy, the best


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