What is Your Fired !?
Two of the most dreaded words in the English language. You have lost your job.
Even the hint of a "Your Fired" moment strikes fear and trepidation into the hearts of working men an women everywhere. So disturbing is the effect that its emotional impact is on a par with other life changing phrases such as: "I'm
"Your fired!" has fallen into disuse as of late to be replaced euphemistic expressions , non confrontational methods and often, pure deception:
...sadly,your position has been eliminated...
...the uncertain economy has dictated that we reduce manpower costs...
...as a result , your services will no longer be required....
...due to our recent corporate restructuring plan we are reducing our manpower...
..et my son David. He will be following you around for the next couple of weeks to learn the business...
On the other hand, "Your
Bush: Brownie, Your Fired !
Brownie: Yesss!
Mr Spacely: Jetson! Your Fired !
George Jetson: But Mr Spacely...
Donald Trump: Gary, Your Fired !
Gary Coleman: Damn...back to being a security guard.