What is You're In My World Now, Grandma?


Movie reference from the Adam Sandler film “Happy Gilmore” in which a nursing home orderly, played by Ben Stiller, authoritatively tells Happy’s grandmother that he "runs the show" at the nursing home.

Grandma: Sir, can I trouble you for a warm glass of milk? It helps me go to sleep.

Nursing Home Orderly: You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut the hell up. Now, you will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep. Check out the name tag. You're in my world now, grandma.

Friend 1: You are beating me in one-on-one basketball by a score of 20-0!

Friend 2: You're in my world now, grandma.

See you're, in, my, world, now, grandma, happy, gilmore, adam, sandler, nws


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