You're Welcome

What is You're Welcome?


A polite way to to respond to thanks. Implies that the other person is welcome to ask for any other favors. Synonymous with no problem.

Howard: Thanks for washing the dog, Pete.

Pete: You're welcome.


The only phrase in the english language that has no correct response other than changing the subject entirely.

you: Thanks for the cheeseburger.

a friend: You're welcome.

you: I......yeah,, I'll...... yes.


you: Thanks for forgiving me about the whole "pizza" thing.

a friend: You're welcome.

you: So that was some pretty fine bowling, wasn't it? I mean those guys are professionals.

See your welcome, thanks, no problem, thank you


Something to say when a co-worker sneezes and there are others in the room. Always gets a laugh due to its incongruity.

For tonz 'o laffs, be prepared with a list of other pointless customary statements for when the person sneezes many times in succesion, e.g.

yes please

fine thank you

I'm sorry

no thank you

(sneeze) you're welcome

(sneeze) yes please

(sneeze) fine thank you

(sneeze) I'm sorry

(sneeze) no thank you


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